RMA plans for the long haul


With Leicester back in lockdown because of rising infection and a suggestion by experts of other local hot spots (Doncaster and Bradford), at Rye Mutual Aid (RMA) we remain keen to keep operating not only because we still have vulnerable people asking for assistance but because of the possibility of a resurgence locally, where numbers have been low.

This morning, experts like Professor Ferguson (Imperial College, London) suggested that the epidemic is “far from over” and  there was “a need to consider the next six months”; adding that with an infection rate in UK of around 8%, there is more to come.

One aspect that has concerned RMA is that the lack of available local data. This is an issue for many other areas and has been highlighted by those tackling the pandemic in Leicester. We will be watching this discussion over the next few days to see if local data becomes more accessible.

Among the mitigations for the virus, often referred to be ministers, the need for face coverings can be seen by some as contentious.  From WHO and NHS advice it is clear that coverings can reduce the transmission and reception of infected droplets between individuals and therefore should be regarded as socially responsible measures in enclosed areas.

RMA is therefore continuing to encourage the production and distribution of home made coverings within Rye and district. Face coverings, social distancing and hand washing or sanitising remain the most important measures that individuals can adopt.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Thanks for this Anthony. Today in 4 shops on the High St about 30% of customers were wearing masks. Only 50% of shopkeepers were wearing protection.
    How we wear them is also important. One assistant was wearing hers as a necklace. One customer only had her mouth covered. So there is work yet to do!
    On the positive side social distancing was good and Boots was particularly good at number control.
    Discussions with fellow shoppers today indicated that those who are more cautious feel much safer if staff are taking visible precautions eg wearing masks and visible hand sanitiser near the door. One customer said she did not visit if staff were not masked.
    After all it makes sound economic sense to limit transmission and avoid a second local lockdown – doesn’t it?


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