Road closures for bonfire night


On Bonfire Night, Saturday November 12 2016, all streets on the processional route in Rye town centre will be closed to traffic from approx 19:30 to 21:30

There is no parking on the processional route from approx 16:30.

From approx 16:30, vehicular access to the town will be severely restricted and all vehicles are cleared from the processional route. Any vehicles on the procession route will be removed by recovery trucks.

For car parking, Gibbett Marsh car park is adjacent to the procession start point at Mason Road and situated off the Rye to Batte road B2089 (TN31 7BE).

Please Note – there is disabled parking concession for up to 20 vehicals (Blue Badge holders only) at the east end of what is normally the Coach Park adjacent to Rye Railway Station, approximately 300m from the bonfire site. However, although no specific disabled parking exists in Rother District Council’s Bedford Place car park (opposite Skinners garage on the junction of A259/A268), we advise getting there early enough for a space where a good view is possible without have to move too far with the wheelchair.

The A259 Folkestone – Hastings trunk route will be closed at times between 20:00 and 21:30 to allow the procession and crowds to pass and will be subject to long delays at all other times. Please be aware that is unlikely that you will allowed out of your car park before about 22:30.

Motorists and HGV’s are therefore advised to use the M20/A28 Tenderten – Northiam route from Dover and Folkestone to Hastings and Eastbourne if traveling on the evening of Sat Nov 8.

Source: Rye Bonfire Society

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  1. Additional parking is being provided on the Sea Cadets site in Rock Channel accessing from St.Margarets Terrace off the A259 at the Strand. The parking will be for a donation made to Sea Cadet funds and includes a hot dog (if you’re lucky).


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