Rockabillies rock up in style


This last weekend was certainly a busy one for the town. In addition to the other events reported this week, there was a rockabilly weekend at Pontins in Camber. 

US Staff car – they seemed gigantic when they first appeared in the UK with US forces
The big V8 engines under the bonnet produced surprisingly little horsepower by today’s standards

Suddenly it felt as if we were back in the 1950s. Wide jeans with six-inch turn-ups, headscarves and immaculate hairstyles of the sort only seen today in old family photo albums. And, of course, the cars to go with it. And what cars!

And another, now extinct, name from the past – a 1960s Riley
A little more familiar – beautifully restored Morris Minor

After a drive round the town, creating a traffic jam of a very different sort to those we are used to, and with one or two of the large American cars (of which there were many) appearing to be almost too wide to squeeze down our narrow streets, they gathered in – and filled – the station car park where those of us old enough (just) to remember the days when these cars would have been new, were able to wander round and indulge in a little nostalgia for those innocent far-off times.

The cars start to arrive at the station car park
More Americans

Photos: John Minter and Kevin McCarthy

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