Rother in lockdown


Rother District Council (RDC) met on Monday, March 23 to agree that all scheduled committee meetings be suspended until further notice.

In a statement RDC said: “The current incidence of the Covid-19 virus both nationally and internationally is beginning to cause disruption to a range of businesses and social activity and there may be a need for additional preventative measures to be introduced nationally to help contain or delay the spread of the virus.

“This includes potential advice to individuals or groups to self-isolate for periods of time, and/or for more general restrictions on travel or gatherings. It is also likely that more people will become unwell as a result of the virus.

“Further spread of Covid-19 therefore has the potential to impact upon Rother District Council’s ability to hold its normal meetings. This could be as a result of members or officers being unable to attend due to illness or self-isolation, or general advice against travel or gatherings leading to a need to suspend the holding of meetings for a period of time.”

The council have agreed temporary measures to enable the council’s essential business to be conducted. One example is in relation to the planning committee, where power has been delegated to the executive director, in consultation with the chairman of the committee.

Any decisions taken by officers under these delegations will be reported to the subsequent meeting of the relevant committee when meetings resume.

You can read RDC’s full report on coronavirus emergency arrangements here.

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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