RTC ponders Network Rail plan


We announced last week that Network Rail has submitted a planning application to close the crossings by Rye Mill and replace them with a new bridge over the river and a pedestrian tunnel under the railway.

This has caused some consternation, particularly in relation to potential flooding in the tunnel.

In view of this Rye Town Council has asked Rother District Council – which has the final say – for additional time to consider the application. RDC has agreed to this. The reason for the additional time is to allow a meeting of the full council – which traditionally does not meet in August – to give this full consideration and by which time the councillors will have had the opportunity to consider both the advantages and potential problems of the scheme.

No doubt a lot more will be heard about this and, in the meantime, architect and supporter of the Rye Greenway project (which also involves a bridge), Dominic Manning, gives his views in our Opinions pages.

Photo: Kevin McCarthy

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  1. Planning Reference: RR/2018/1976/P – submitted 24/07/2018
    Address: Mill Bridge – over the River Tillingham, Rye (148 metres)

     Why such an expensive scheme??
    1 An electric connection to the safety gates,  to coincide with the Ferry Road level crossing
    2 By improving & better maintenance of the path that is already there,
    3 The addition of steps & a path under the railway bridge ( It is rarely covered in water)
    If cars have to wait at the level crossing, surely pedestrians could wait too if flooded that was flooded
     1. 2 & 3 would provide safety & a Suicidal person would still find somewhere else to commit suicide sadly
     Having done a safety scheme over the Tilling position you presumably will have to also have  to do a similar scheme at the crossing  between Military Road & New Road  OOPS Double the expence 

  2. Sorry! No electrification – that’s just fanciful and would involve some joined up thinking and investment. However, the running of fast trains through from Ashford would necessitate the removal of pedestrian crossings such as those near the windmill and Gibbets Marsh. Maybe this is the reason behind the planning application?


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