Rye Bonfire’s hot auction


Rye Bonfire Society would like to extend a huge thank you for all those who contributed to the successful auction: the local businesses and individuals for their generous donations; to Georgie and Judith at the Mermaid for their hospitality; to Archie for keeping the drinks flowing; and to Kevin Wall from Rye Auction Galleries for a superb master of ceremonies. Thanks also to our bonfire team on the night: porters Kevin & Malcolm; Charlie on the books; James, Emma, Hannah and Charlotte for running the auction cards around; Paul for making sure the lots were presented in the right order; Steve for the fab pictures; and of course the magnificent effort of our new fundraising team, Barbara, Caren, Sally and Leigh for pulling it all together!

Thank you from Rye & District Bonfire Society to all who made the auction such a success

And, to all those who attended and gave so generously to raise an outstanding £9,509 to help keeping Rye Bonfire alive and burning!

A special thanks to Isabel Ryan who donated original John Ryan ‘Captain Pugwash’ artwork raising £1,500, Willie Wicken for successfully bidding for Rye Fawkes 2023, Pedro the Penguin who made £35 and the ‘lucky’ passer by who popped his head too close to the window to be caught by Kevin’s eagle eye and won!

It’s not too late to donate, any contribution gratefully received via:

The New Rye & District Bonfire Society
Sort Code: 20-02-62
Account Number: 70146641

Image Credits: Steve Hutchings / Rye Bonfire Society , Neale East .

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