Rye Castle Museum stays shut


The Rye Castle Museum directors have held their last few meetings via Zoom and have agreed that the Museum will remain closed for the time being as the Castle/Ypres Tower has very limited space for social distancing and difficulties would arise with maintaining cleaning.

Also, many of the exhibits are hands on and if removed or put out of action would deter from the enjoyment of visiting this attraction, but the situation will be continually monitored and a decision to open will be made when safe and practical to do so. The staff remain on furlough, but work by the Directors and some volunteers carries on in the background.

Bills continue to be paid as items such as utilities, security and health and safety checks continue. We are very grateful to our members who have renewed their membership this year and for some donations to our funds which help towards the maintenance of the Museum.

As the East Street Museum is manned by volunteers, and the majority are in the retired age bracket, again it is not practical to open this part of the Museum. It would not be cost efficient as the East Street Museum has been free to enter previously and costs would be incurred for cleaning and PPE equipment for those stewarding.

The Museum has not been able to hold any of its social functions, and a summer party at the Castle/Ypres Tower had been planned for July but, as with all the other fundraising events, talks and outings, these have all been postponed. A newsletter is sent to Museum members regularly and the staff and directors hope to bring more positive news about if and when the Museum can reopen safely.

Visit our website to sign up for the newsletter.

Image Credits: rye news library .

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