Rye Runners Halloween party


Rye Runners invited all wizards, zombies and ghouls to their Halloween party held at the Mermaid last Saturday, October 29.

An assortment of creepy ghouls and living dead lurked in the Mermaid Tudor Room for this charity event, having a fun time, and the brilliant sum of £1,602 was raised and donated to Rye Foodbank as a result.

The event was generously supported by local business. The Mermaid generously provided the venue for this fun event as well as donating a fabulous raffle prize.

Rye Foodbank are incredibly grateful and appreciative of this significant support and send a huge “Thank you” to all who contributed to the party fundraiser event. Rye Runners are obviously a versatile group being able to raise money for charity in ways other than organising a run. Teamed with the Mermaid Hotel they are another brilliant example of community support in action in Rye.

Rye Runners was established in August 2010 and welcomes runners of all levels to their multi-coached sessions, from those taking their first steps to those trying to get out of a pace rut, or prepare for a 5km, 10km, half or full marathon.
For those taking their first steps, they run regular 10-week beginners’ courses.  See http://www.ryerunners.com.

Image Credits: Fiona Patten .

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