Sea Cadets say thank you


The past few weeks have been really difficult for us as an organisation. We have obviously had to stop our regular meetings which, after growing our number of cadets to close to 35 – the first time in a few years that we have been able to say this – was a real gut wrench.

We are adapting all the time and are finding ways to streamline our offerings to our cadets in an online capacity. We hope in the next week or so to be set up for some virtual parade evenings to offer another activity to help keep cadets occupied at home.

Even though we are unable to use our headquarters, work behind the scenes has continued with the completion of our refurbishment to our male cadet heads (toilets for those not familiar with navy speak!).

This work has been made possible by the kind donations and grants we have received over the last year from the Rye fund, the Rye community charity shop, the Ted Baker trust and the wind farm charity fund.

Without these grants we would never have been able to upgrade these facilities, which, for anyone who knows our building, have been in need of modernising for a number of years! So our deepest thanks to everyone who has helped. Thanks must also go to Abbeylight building contractors who have done an amazing job with the works.

Now we must move onto the next project to keep our building up to the standards needed to carry on working with the young people of Rye and the surrounding area.

Petty Officer (SCC) Phil Whiteman
Officer in Charge
Rye Sea and Royal Marines cadets

Image Credits: Phil Whiteman .

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