September at Rye Primary


Message from Kelly Martin, Head of School

“We demonstrate our care for one another by protecting one another”.  

This is a key message that I have been encouraging our staff and children to remember in these current times of pandemic. However, I do hope that this is a life lesson that we will all remember once we have defeated Covid-19.

I would like to encourage our wider school community to also take hold of this message and try and live it out in our daily lives. It is only by us all working together that we will be able to overcome this current situation.

It does require us to make sacrifices; to protect one another. It calls on us to be selfless and to sometimes put our own comfort or familiarity of routine to one side; to protect each other.

As a school, we are doing everything we can to protect our school bubble, but also our wider community bubble and we ask you to join us, by following all of the latest government guidance and being relentless in doing so; to once again, ensure that we are protecting one another.

Remember, “We demonstrate our care for one another by protecting one another”.  

New Beginnings in Pugwash Nursery

New beginnings in Pugwash Nursery

The nursery staff are so proud of how well the children have settled back in to nursery and how well the new children have also settled in too!  Part of the settling in process has been learning the nursery routines, making new friends and helping each other.

Everyone has had a great couple of weeks back and the children have been exploring the nursery and the garden area. Some children have had the opportunity to go over to our forest school site and they loved learning about spiders and the spider webs!

A new Academic Year begins at Rye Primary

And so a new academic year begins…


Dolphins have got off to a fantastic start with all the children showing amazing maturity and enthusiasm for their learning. Since returning, they have been doing some fantastic descriptive writing, lots of Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Marvellous Maths! The photos below are of some children spelling out maths words for our working wall area and representing numbers in different ways.

We are so proud of their hard work!


Miss Brewster is so proud of how her year 1 and year 2 children have settled into class.  They have already shown how amazing they are at reading, writing and counting, as well as painting some fabulous pirate faces! They have also been showing everyone how kind and thoughtful they can be in and out of their PSHE lessons!

Well done Clownfish!

Passionate Readers at Rye Primary

As a school, we are extremely passionate about raising standards in reading and developing a culture of reading for pleasure in all year groups – this was one of our main school improvement priorities last year and will continue to be one of our main priorities as we move forward into the next year.

During the autumn and spring terms, we began to see progress towards our targets, with many more children reading regularly, a greater development of children’s comprehension skills and the profile of reading being raised through World Book Day, Roald Dahl Day and book fairs.

This year, we continue to dedicate our skills and resources to the development of children’s reading from the early stages of phonetical development through to decoding words, fluency and then comprehension; as we believe that this is key to the academic, emotional and social wellbeing of our children. To do this, we have made a significant investment in resources by purchasing a rich and varied amount of new books, as well as completely redesigning our library; providing a calming environment for our children to choose books and read in. This year, we also aim to continue raising the profile of reading through a variety of events for both parents and children alike, such as the Reading Cafes, our celebration book days and ensuring that we talk enthusiastically about fiction, non-fiction and poetry books on a weekly basis. A further priority for all teachers throughout the autumn term will be to develop attractive and comfortable reading areas in every classroom so that children are excited about choosing books.

We have asked our parents to help us by creating a cosy space for children at home and by supporting them with the reading tasks being set each week by class teachers.

Watch this space for further updates, it’s  going to be an exciting year for reading at Rye Community Primary School!

Passionate Readers – the library

Image Credits: Rye Community Primary School .

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