Slow start for 3rd jabs


Although the Rye centre has delivered almost 12,000 Covid jabs, there has been quite a slow start to the third vaccination phase, the Covid-19 booster dose. The guidance is that if you are over 50 or recorded as vulnerable and six months has passed since your second Covid-19 dose, you should book your booster dose using this link.

Choose the Rye centre and seek an appointment for one booster dose, which, regardless of the type of vaccine in jabs one and two, will be Pfizer. The only precaution is that if you have tested positive for Covid-19 then you should wait four weeks (28 days), starting from the date you had the test.

Some patients are waiting to be contacted by their GP or NHS but this is unnecessary. If you satisfy the six month rule, then book a booster. If in doubt, then telephone 119.

Call for More Volunteers

To support the programme in Rye we draw on some 50 volunteers as marshals, stewards and registrars. We always need more help. If you can spare any time then do please get in touch, direct to the centre or via Rye News or via Facebook @ryepfizer.

Image Credits: Anthony Kimber .

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