Boulevardiers have fun in the sun


On the morning of April 27, I joined an eclectic U3A group playing boules (a game brought over from France) on Strand Quay. There were experienced throwers and a few inexperienced newcomers, (this included me) but there was much laughter as well as confusion as to whose go it was next. We were not overly competitive, but each of us was thrilled when winning a point. The idea of the game is to get as close to the jack, (which is the small ball) as possible with a bigger ball which is thrown by a player. We had three players in each group A and B, each individual has two balls they can throw taking turns. The best way to understand the game is to come and play. It’s good fun.

Irenie Pearce, who is the organizer of this group, said that everybody is welcome to join, just turn up. They play every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 10:30 am – 12pm on Strand Quay. Afterwards is coffee time and we were lucky as we had just finished sitting in the sun, leaving the cafe, when a shower surprised us.

One of the members in the group, Annette Bull, asked me to remind people who love playing bowls (or would like to learn), that the Rye Bowls Club is having an Open Day on Saturday April 30, 10am-4pm. The club is located by the Salts in Fishmarket Road.  Annette says: “Everybody is welcome to join and try out the fun game of bowls. All equipment is provided, just bring a pair of flat shoes.”

Contact the club captain Annette Bull on 01797 280 457 or at

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