Early start for bowls tournament


On Wednesday, July 18 Rye played Beckley Bowls Club, an important league match of four triples.
Team 1  – Monty Crouch (Lead), Rosemarie Crouch (Two) and Don Williams (Skip).
They lost their match by 14 shots to 17
Team 2  – Annette Bush (Lead), Eileen Peck (Two) and Roger Taylor (Skip).
They drew their match by 15 shots to 15
Team 3  – Mick Woods (Lead) Sandra Romeo (Two) and Margaret Everest (Skip)
They lost their match by 12 shots to 16
Team 4 – Phil Edmonds (Lead), Carol Bourne (Two), and Carole Osbourne (Skip)
They lost their match by 17 shots to 21
Overall Score
Rye 58 shots – Beckley 69 shots. A disaster for Rye but the half time tea and biccies went down well!
On Thursday, July 19 Rye played Polegrove at Polegrove in a friendly match of four triples.
A very close match with two games each, The greens were slower than we expected and we experienced some surprising runs!
The Rye teams comprised;
Team 1 – Mick Woods (Lead), Rowland Gardner (Two) and Don Williams (Skip).
They lost their match by 16 shots to 21
Team 2 – Carol Bourne (Lead), John Davidson (Two) and Margaret Everest (Skip)
They won their match by 23 shots to 9
Team 3 – Jo Davidson (Lead) Celia Kember (Two) and Norman Hickman (Skip)
They lost their match by 9 shots to 20
Team 4  –  Bob Nicholls (Lead), Tony Kember (Two) and Roy Dyer (Skip)
They won their match by 15 shots to 12
Overall Score
Rye 63 shots – Polegrove 62 shots. A very close win for Rye and an enjoyable afternoon was had by all concerned.
The next Home match will be on Thursday, July 26 against Ninfield Bowls Club, an enjoyable day is anticipated as Ninfield are a very friendly team
On Saturday, July 28 Rye Bowls Club will host their annual tournament, one of the most popular in the region with 24 teams being submitted by other clubs in East Sussex and Kent.
This is an all-day event in which the teams (excluding Rye) compete to win the trophy and prize money. The teams are treated to lunch and refreshments throughout the day and are also invited to participate in the tombola, and various raffles. A share of the profits from this event is donated to two local charities.
Members of the public are welcome to come and watch and have tea with us.
It’s all hands to the pumps as members of Rye Bowls Club make an early start from around 6am., setting up the marquees, tables and chairs for the competitors and the various stands for the raffles, book stall and tombola. There is also great activity in the kitchen preparing the lunches and refreshments for our visitors. The event starts at 9:30am and ends at about 5pm with the prize giving.

Photo: Rowland Gardner

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