Run for health and fun


Many of our readers will be familiar with the site of a group of runners jogging round the town or exercising on the Salts. And how many have thought, I wish I could do that but I’m too old, unfit, overweight, don’t look good in running clothes and so on.

It’s easy to make excuses not to do something but not only is running easy, fun and inexpensive, but the leader of Rye Runners, in addition to her main group and her beginners’ courses, has introduced “First Steps to Fitness”, a ten-week walk-to-jog program. It is supported by Rother Clinical Commissioning Group, so you can be referred by your GP as well as just signing up for yourself. It is designed for those who have not done any significant physical activity or who have had health problemsi and consists of 10 weekly fully coached sessions designed to gently improve cardiovascular fitness, mobility and strength.

The first session starts at 9:30am on Friday February 24 at the cricket pavilion on The Salts, Fishmarket Road. You will need to register in advance, but the first session is free and just £2 thereafter.

Register or find out more from Sam Murphy 07817 687241 or Fiona Patten

Get fit – Feel better – Make friends – Have fun

Source: Sam Murphy – Rye Runners

Photo: Sam Murphy website

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