Young kick boxer seeks sponsorship


Chase Skinner began her journey in martial arts at the age of four. She had been doing tap and ballet but although she enjoyed it there was something missing. When she saw children going into the old scout hut in their gi (pronounced ghee), the correct name for the karate uniform, she asked go to the lessons.

Chase winning medals at competitions

Her mother told Rye News: “She took to it straight away, showing a natural ability, picking up the moves really quickly and progressing up the grades in record time. She moved on to Sean Kinsella’s martial arts school and incorporated kick-boxing into her classes as well. The recent awards Chase has won have been in kick-boxing but she has also won medals in karate and karta.

“Chase has grown in confidence since studying karate and kick-boxing. The classes are full of supportive friendly families. She has been excelling in her competitions lately, her most recent fight being in Barnsley when she took two kick-boxing silver medals in the ring.”

She will be fighting again and competing in kata in April of this year in Gloucester. If Chase wins a gold medal in April at the English championships, she will be invited to Austria to fight. This, of course, requires dedication, focus and hours of practice which Chase is willing to put in. However, it requires sponsorship too.

At the moment she is being sponsored by two local businesses, Jane’s Stitches, and Martins Laundrette both in Rope Walk, Rye, but she needs to have more so if you feel you can help please contact You may well find that you are sponsoring a future Olympic medallist.

Sean Kinsella sensei Chase Skinner

Sean Kinsella, the chief instructor of Sean Kinsella Martial Arts (SKMA) told me of his journey in martial art world and why it matters to him so much to train the youngster that passes through his school.

“My journey in karate started in 1988, aged seven. I am now a 6th dan blackbelt in Wado Ryu Karate and teach karate and kickboxing / K1 weekly to hundreds of members in Crowborough, Eastbourne, Willingdon, Playden and Rye.

“I opened my own school back in July 1999 since when we have helped over one hundred and fifty students to achieve blackbelt and beyond, whilst creating numerous champions in many disciplines up to world level.

“My mission is to end bullying by building self-confidence, self-discipline, self-respect and to teach self-defence and bullying prevention tactics.

“Chase is starting her journey in national tournaments; she has competed in kickboxing and will eventually compete in kata. She has a lot of potential and works very hard at her art.

“Training and attending tournaments at national and international level takes a strong mind-set and hard-work ethic, which Chase has: we look forward to her future in tournaments.”

If you would like to get involved in Wado Ryu Karate or kickboxing you can call / text Sean on 07983 609263, or visit the website See also Facebook and Instagram.

Image Credits: Kt bruce , Sherry Skinner , Sherry Skinner .

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