Tale of the missing bin


Bob and Celine, of the Rye Internet Café, Queen Adelaide Brasserie in Ferry Road, are the unwitting victims of the removal of a large, black metal waste bin, which, up until very recently, stood about 20 metres from their premises. This may not sound much to you, but is seriously inconveniencing them, so read on!

Site of the missing bin

The result of this unexpected disappearance is that large amounts of litter are now being dropped outside the pub (why are the great British public such litter louts?)  Bob, being of a tidy and helpful nature, has been clearing this up and putting it in his own bin, which he has to pay to have emptied. The first week it was two extra kilos, the next five. The bin is costed by weight, so this is an extra outlay he should not be making.

Rubbish behind bin site

In addition, there are now piles of rubbish being thrown over the fence on to the wasteland behind (see picture) Surely a health hazard as well as an eyesore. So, does anyone know the whereabouts of the bin and the reasons for its sudden removal?  I expect the gulls are missing it too!

Answers to Comments (below this article) would be very welcome!



Photo: Gillian Roder

Image Credits: Rye News Library .

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  1. When we were kids, a clip around the ear was forthcoming if we dropped any litter.
    We had to pick it up immediately and carry it home or too the nearest rubbish container.

    Parents drop litter, children copy it, result the UK has one of the dirtiest landscapes

    Everyday I pick up from the gardens (front and back) empty drink cans, bags, plastic, paper, crisps, wrappers from all sorts of sweets.

    Yes we are situated just the right amount of walking from the local shop – so by the time they reach us – “Ah a litter bin garden”.

    I am seriously considering commissioning two notice boards:

    “Yes, drop your litter here and two people aged 88 and 78 respectively will pick it up and place it in the bins the council have provided for our refuse, recycling and garden waste (for the latter we pay)”.

  2. Thank you for mentioning the bin problem in your last issue.
    But I expected that you would write about the causes not the consequences.

    My specific case is insignificant, it would be possible and more interesting for you to investigate the reasons behind the removal of many bins from the locality
    For example I will highlight some points.:

    – Tourism is extremely important for Rye. To be an attractive town, the town needs to be clean. Bins would be an advantage, would they not?
    Indeed the town is more than dirty, when you walk, you see plastics, cans, rubbish everywhere!

    What is the picture of Rye we will expect in this case: to be “one of the dirtiest landscapes” in UK!
    Before, in Ferrry road you had 2 public bins, one each side of the level crossing, now none!

    Tourism is generally seasonal, but we can’t blame tourists for all the crap you see in town, because it dosen’t matter what season, you see new plastic, cans,…, rubbish every where throughout the year.

    Most of the people who visit Rye, have a conscience concerning where they dispose of their rubbish, and you can see them quite often “playing hide-and-seek” to find a public bin.
    What is the local Council opinion on this subject?

    – Another point, some of the more dirty areas are the school ways, and it’s so easy everyday to see unscrupulousness schoolchildren who don’t care about anything and leave: plastic, packaging, cans on the ground. Why can’t School (and parents), explain to kids, that by this kind of attitude they kill their future! What is the local Council opinion on this subject?

    Also, what about the old, noisy, polluting and totally inefficient lorry which tries to clean the street gutter most mornings, the cost? Advantage?

    I just highlight some points but it is a big subject, and a lot could be said about the fact that Rye looks like a rubbish tip. What is the local Council policy about litter, public bins, cost, objectives etc. How are the Council seeking to involve the local people? 

    Towards the end of your article you merely touched upon the subject. I imagined that you would investigate and question the Council, to inform your readers and the local citizens; the reason for removing so many public bins.


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