The battle for Rye Hire


Rye Hire, in Cyprus Place, is one of those Rye institutions that seems to have been there as long as anyone can remember (actually 27 years), and which, at some time or other almost every resident of the town must have visited. Whether you need a lawn mower or bicycle serviced, paving slabs for a patio, building materials for almost any job, hire of power tools or just that awkward-sized nut and bolt you can’t find anywhere else, this business will be able to help.

However, on the expiration of their lease from Rother District Council (RDC), the site’s owner, they were informed that there would be no renewal and while time would be allowed to find alternative premises, the site was now going to be redeveloped for housing.

The council is, like most local authorities particularly in the south east, under pressure from central government to build more houses and it seemed initially that this piece of land would be a suitable brown-field site. Rother planners would not, at that time, have known the value of Rye Hire to the town and they were surprised at the reaction to their proposal to consider a planning application from Alliance Homes – a development company formed by RDC. This application has not yet been received, but is likely to be for seven homes, of which four will be ‘affordable housing’.

Rye Hire site

Rye Hire have spent the last two years searching for an alternative site, but have been unable to find anything suitable for their particular requirements. This means that the business would have to close, with the loss of a significant asset to Rye together with a number of jobs.

However, it would seem that there might just be glimmerings of light at the end of the tunnel: up until a few years ago, many in Rye regarded RDC as ‘the enemy’ – a governing body who cared little for anything outside their main territory of Bexhill. Whether that attitude was justified or not, recent years have seen big changes both in the senior professional management of the council and of many of the councillors themselves, and there is now a much greater desire to work with towns such as Rye. In fact Rye News understands that had RDC been aware of the circumstances and strength of feeling attached to Rye Hire, they might have looked at the future of this site in another way.

They have issued a statement to Rye Town Council that includes the following:

“We have had on-going discussions with Rye Hire for some time and fully understand why the business is important to Rye, both in terms of the services provided and the voluntary work the staff undertake with the local fire brigade. As a result, we have recently been working closely with Rye Hire and our architects to look at whether we can develop a scheme where the business remains in Cypress [sic] Place, whilst still delivering much needed housing for the area”.

It is worth noting that the Rye Neighbourhood Plan and the local plan both state that existing employment sites will be safeguarded if the business is viable and the site continues to be suitable for employment. Rye Hire meets these criteria. And it is not as if there is a lack of alternatives; there are several, and these are all laid out in the neighbourhood plan approved by Rye residents in a referendum and signed off by Rother. The plan does not include the Rye Hire site as a site housing or mixed use allocation.

Rye Town Council has been co-ordinating a protest to RDC’s action and have engaged a consultant to help develop the argument in favour of Rye Hire. If you want to add your voice to the protest you can email the following Council members:

Councillor Doug Oliver (leader):
Councillor Christine Bayliss (economic development and regeneration):
Councillor Jonathan Vine-Hall (strategic planning):
Councillor Howard Norton (Rye and Winchelsea):
Councillor Genette Stevens (Rye and Winchelsea):

Image Credits: John Minter .

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  1. I’ll email the lot of them, if it will help to save Rye Hire. Their services are too valuable to Rye as well as the wider community to lose.

  2. Rye Hire is one of the very few shops in Rye that sells very NECESSARY goods. And for some products, the only stockist. Staff always very helpful and give a valuable service to the community.
    Save RYE HIRE.

  3. Well done for a balanced report, Rye News. Perhaps RDC will see the light and let Rye Hire be, the staff are helpful & knowledgeable, as a resource Rye Hire is extremely useful and we would lose yet another old, quirky and interesting building from the perimeter of the town. Developing the site as housing would result in even longer tailbacks from Cyprus Place junction at the railway crossing gates, and developers never ever provide enough parking spaces -does the now new residential developed old warehouse (night-club) have parking for 2 each flat?
    I shall write to RDC to support Rye Hire today.

  4. Rye Hire is a much needed local asset – I have benefited from their services many times over the years. They offer a delivery and collection service which is much appreciated, especially for people without a vehicle. I have already written to Cllrs. Norton and Stevens to point out that if Rye Hire close people will have to travel miles to find a similar service. That would be very inconvenient for many people and, if using a car, would be detrimental to the environment. The more local services we have the better for so many reasons!

  5. I will also email the council members in the fight to preserve the very much needed RYE HIRE. I like so many others have over the years and still do use the Rye Hire business, its very handy and has want you want. I dont fancy driving to either Hastings or Ashford, Its just fine where it is, It easy and saves my valuable time.

  6. The brilliant and helpful staff at Rye hire are a first rate asset to the town and should not be getting unnecessary grief from short sighted councillors . It would be a tragic loss to many for a piffling short term gain.

  7. Let’s hope Rye Hire can remain! I have used their services many a time particularly dropping in my bike for a service and pumping up the odd tyre – always so helpful and it would be a great loss to the town!

  8. Local family, involved with the Fire Brigade, local Rye Dance school, on top of providing a brilliant service to the town. Nothing is ever too much for the Polley’s. They will try to get what you need! Much needed personal service from Rye Hire as well as not being overpriced! Be a big loss to the town if they nad to go!

  9. It would be interesting to work out how many miles locals would clock up to shop out of town due to the council’s proposal to close Rye Hire. The carbon footprint is potentially huge.

  10. It will be a disaster for the people of Rye if Rye Hire have to go. They sell NECESSARY items and are extremely helpful. The men there have expert knowledge and can be depended on for help. As things stand now Rye is useless unless you are wanting junk (antiques),wine bars , art galleries and souvenir Tat. If Rye Hire goes it will be the last straw.
    If they want building land what about that big plot behind the Queen Adelaide ? It has stood empty for the last 30 years +.


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