The council stirs into life


As the introduction of CPE (civil parking enforcement) in October across the Rother District, including Rye, gets closer and will see the arrival of parking meters and traffic wardens,  Rye Town Council’s Parking Review Strategy Group are meeting remotely this week to consider further CPE’s impact on the town.

In particular they will be looking at ways to encourage more drivers to use Rother District Council’s Gibbet Marsh car park.

The location and number of parking meters may also be on the agenda as street markings have appeared showing where they are to go and East Sussex County Council does other preparatory work.

Town Hall weddings resume next week, but in a “stripped back” form – the legal minimum – with no music, no singing, no readings and no Town Crier.

Rye Town  Council continues to deal with visitors’ queries by post, email and texts, and the new Tourist Information Point in the Town Hall will open to callers on August 1, provided some technical and social distancing problems are resolved.

Members of the Planning Committee are continuing to consider planning applications in Rye to Rother District Council, including representations made by residents. And Town Council meetings will recommence in some form in mid to late August , but only for urgent and time sensitive matters, including a decision about Mayor Making as this ceremony, at which a new Mayor takes over, was postponed in May.

The Town Council does not seem at present to be involved in, or being kept informed about, any local outbreaks of the Covid pandemic – should they occur. However a more pressing concern may be some work needed urgently on the historic Town Hall building.




Image Credits: J. Minter .

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