It’s been an incredibly tough year for Undercliff Pony Rescue with the brutal attack on Tommy the mule in August.
The perpetrator who committed this dreadful attack on an innocent animal is known to the police. No charges have been brought and they are no longer in the area.
Owner Sharon Baker was amazed at the generous response from Rye News readers following the attack on Tommy. Sharon is very happy to tell us that Tommy has made a very good recovery, and is physically back to full health.
Sharon has been able to improve the security of the Rye paddock and has installed electric fencing and a CCTV security system. She was understandably devastated by the attack on her rescued animals and has invested all she can afford in making their lives safer and more comfortable.
As well as installing security Sharon has built four new stables. This has been a particularly difficult project to complete due to the national shortage of building supplies and delivery problems generally.
With winter closing in it was important to get the stables erected and ready for use. Tommy the mule and Donny the donkey and their pony companions now have shelter available, but the stables need roofing completed.
Now that grass is all gone Undercliff Pony Rescue needs to start building up a stock of winter feed and bedding.
Hay costs about £30 a round bale and Tommy, Donny and friends eat about three per week. Special feed with supplements for older equines (Donny is 29 years old) costs between £10 to £30.
While Undercliff Pony Rescue has a wealth of love, compassion and hard work actual cash is in short supply. Sharon is looking to raise £1,500 for winter feed and bedding.
Please help keep Undercliff ponies and Donny and Tommy keep safe, warm and fed this winter.
Any help is very much appreciated, no matter how small. Thank you and best wishes from Sharon and all the horses, ponies and Tommy the mule and Donny the donkey.
Image Credits: Undercliff Pony Rescue , Mags Ivatts .