Water safety taught at harbour


Sharon Gozna, volunteer lifeboat crew member at Rye Harbour RNLI, recently trained as an RYA (Royal Yachting Association) instructor for Kent and Sussex Powerboat Training.

Henk Ruysch and Chris Wilkinson set up the training school in 2004 because they felt that there were too many people on the water who did not have the requisite skills. By doing so, they have helped make the waters safer for other boat-owners and helped to save lives at sea.

Sharon has been involved with the RNLI since 2007 and the skills she has learned and studied for have proved helpful while training for her National Powerboat Level 2 qualification. In turn the coaching and teaching skills that Sharon has developed during this process will feed back into her work as an RNLI volunteer crew member.

She set out on Saturday July 28 from Rye Harbour with three candidates, including a 13-year-old girl, who were taking the RYA Level 2 course, in a 6 metre Humber RIB (rigid inflatable boat). Before they launched, Sharon carried out all the safety checks needed and showed them all the boat’s key parts. This was day one of the two-day course.

Sharon said: “The course provides the skills and background knowledge needed to drive a powerboat and is the basis of the International Certificate of Competence (ICC). It covers boat handling, navigation, tides, weather and rope-work so it is really comprehensive. After the course the candidates will be self-sufficient power-boaters and aware of their own limitations and those of the craft.”

Whether training powerboat drivers or crewing the Rye Harbour lifeboat Sharon is dedicated to saving lives at sea.

Photos: kt Bruce

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