We don’t plan to close


Jempson’s has ramped up its campaign to thwart Aldi’s plan for a rival supermarket in Rye, speaking to BBC Radio Sussex and making a social media post.

In a Facebook post on September 11, Jempson’s took a different view to its planning objection, which declared the store would “almost certainly” close if Aldi opened a Rye supermarket, by saying: “We would like to add if the Aldi store does go ahead, we don’t plan to close but can’t deny there will be some impact on our business.”

In comments to BBC Radio Sussex, the supermarket’s managing director Stephen Jempson reiterated his company’s view about the impact of Aldi on “additional services” provided by Jempson’s.

One assertion was the implication that the post office, hosted in Jempson’s Rye store, would be at risk should the store close. The post office in Rye has been based in several locations in the town over the years. Another argument has been that Aldi’s store would represent an “out-of-centre retail floorspace” which would exert a “significantly adverse impact on the vitality and viability of Rye town centre”.

Graphic showing how the new Aldi in Rye may look

A ruling on the merit of all arguments relating to the Aldi planning application is awaited from Rother District Council (RDC). The proposals, which are part of the wider development on Winchelsea Road which also include homes and retirement housing, are currently listed to be decided by October 15.

Any decision will be based on material planning considerations, but in a display of confidence, Jempson’s admitted on Facebook that while an Aldi store in Rye “would have a big impact on our store, it seems unlikely this will happen” because, in Jempson’s opinion, the Aldi proposal fails the retail impact test.

RDC will consider the fact that very few retail businesses in tourism-focused Rye sell groceries, alongside arguments about the competitive impact a new store from the international firm would have on the longstanding local company.

The BBC news article noted that some residents in Rye pointed out: “Jempson’s has a ‘monopoly’ in the town and welcomed the idea of having more options for shopping locally.”

Image Credits: Nick Forman , Harris Partnership .

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