Wish Street car park fines


The car park on Wish Street (for those who don’t know it) is situated immediately behind The Strand Fish and Chips on the roundabout. It is operated by Euro Car Parks and has been in the spotlight recently. Some visitor’s heated comments have promoted a lot of debate which included a request for photos of the car park signage (or lack of it) to be published.

Signage in Wish Street car park
Euro car parks tariff of charges
Wish Street car park entrance

One disgruntled motorist wrote the following:

“Please educate people to the unfairness (a more mild expression) of Wish Street car park. I arrived and went straight to the ticket machine. Joined a queue of people all trying to fathom out how the machines worked. Took 15 minutes to get my ticket. Enjoyed lunch and a wander round. Left the car park with several minutes in hand on the ticket. Enjoyable outing ruined when a parking notice arrived with a £60 / £100 fine as I had apparently overstayed. Time, it told me is based on the entry and exit cameras, making the information on the purchased ticket superfluous.

“There may have been a notice to this effect, but grappling with the ticket machine was more than enough to cope with. Rye will loose visitors and tourists. I won’t come back.
I am sure this isn’t a new complaint but visitors need to know. How about large signs on entry to the town telling us to avoid that car park?”

I visited the car park to investigate the concerns highlighted. I looked at all the available signage and have included photographs of what I saw for your information. Unless I missed it, I didn’t see a sign which made a statement regarding when the ticket time starts and finishes.

Parking meter at Wish Street car park
Terms and conditions on display at Wish Street car park

Afterwards I got in touch with the customer services department at Euro Car Parks seeking clarification on their policy for timed parking. They responded very quickly with the following explanation:

“The car park is operated by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR). Cameras capture an image of vehicles entering and leaving the car park and calculate their length of stay on site. The time is calculated when the vehicle enters the car park.”

So there you have it, to a degree, the time on your purchased ticket is irrelevant and is not when the clock starts ticking, it starts when you enter the car park but you won’t know this until you buy a ticket and read what’s on it. But, let’s face it, how many of us actually read anything other than the time stated on the ticket? If we did then we would know what the rules are and make sure we returned to our vehicles in time to avoid being fined.

I then went back to Euro Car Parks, given all the confusion asking them if they would consider erecting a new sign making this clear to visitors. I will publish their response when I receive it but to avoid incurring unnecessary fines, if you intend to park at this car park your parking time starts when you enter the site, not from the time stated on your ticket.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. This car park is a disgrace for Rye – locals avoid it, so the victims are invariably visitors. Couple of years ago, a friend drove me there to pick up my own car. At no point did she park or get out of her car. Fnished chatting, said goodbye, and yes, a fine based on the gate cameras taking her number. Appeal turned down. Rye council should insist on a large warning sign at the entrance.


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