Your town, your choice


Last week we published an article on the Rye Neighbourhood Plan which has now reached the stage of being open to representations.

A number of our readers were unhappy with the limited options of Rye library or Bexhill Town Hall to view the plan for those not conversant with, or with no access to the internet.

Clearly someone was listening and we are now advised by Rye Town Hall that, in addition to the internet, Rye library and Bexhill, the plan can also be examined at Rye Town Hall and at Tilling Green Community Centre.

The closing date for representations remains January 11, but those intending to visit one of the locations above should be aware that there will be lengthy closures over the Christmas holiday period.

And, finally, if you are thinking of going along for a good read, make sure you have plenty of time – there are 108 pages of it together with 423 pages of additional and supporting documents. Alternatively, it can all be read here.

Once all the statutory regulations, including representations, have been completed the final step is to submit it to a referendum. It is currently proposed that this should happen simultaneously with the local elections scheduled for May 2, 2019.



Image Credits: Rye Neighbourhood Plan .

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