Accident has happened


I have just read the online Rye News article (“An accident waiting to happen“) posted on September 17 by Dennis Leeds-George.

He describes how “Last winter I was driving from Rye Harbour to Rye at night in the fog and, due to poor visibility, the white line on the cycle path gave the impression that that was the edge of the road – and not the kerb stones, which are a foot away on the road side from the white line marking on the path.

“I nearly hit the kerb which, not only could have damaged my car, but could also have caused a nasty accident. It is difficult at night to see the kerb and more so if you get dazzled by the oncoming traffic, as the white line is visible – but not the kerb.

“There should be some kind of marking to make the kerb more visible to motorists”.

On reading his account I was reminded of the occasion when a colleague of mine (we are community nurses) stopped to assist a motorcyclist who had come off his motorbike on the Harbour Road.

He had experienced the same problem as Mr Leeds-George, only on this occasion the white line did result in an accident.

I drive along Harbour Road quite frequently and fully endorse the opinion that the white line on the pavement is misleading to motorists. There is a total lack of marking or definition of the kerb which visually merges with the road – an impression supported by the pavement marking – resulting in actual or potential accidents.

Janet Warren’s complaint to East Sussex County Council’s FixMyStreet website was also supported by quotes from The Traffic Signs Manual (2003).

“L1.8  Nevertheless, road markings make a vital contribution to safety eg… by delineating the the road edge on unlit roads at night” and “1.10 For road markings to be effective they must be clearly visible both by day and by night”.

Also “1.11 On unlit roads at night conditions are very different ; the visual stimuli in the distance and to the sides of the road are largely absent. Road markings then become the most important aid in enabling the driver to follow the road”.

And “4.32 Trials have shown that edge markings have merit as a safety measure” and also “4.35 . Markings might be particularly appropriate…along lengths prone to fog and mist”… not unknown around Rye Harbour.

Janet Warren


Photo: Rye News photographer

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  1. This project cost over £1 milion and took 6 years or so for ESCC to complete. I think the Town Council with the support of the Rye Harbour residents and local cycling groups could have done a better job for half the money and in half the time.
    Some years ago this suggestion would have been met with derision but I do not think so now. The County Council and Rother District Council are shedding jobs and cutting budgets ruthlessly. Money has to be better spent and the cycle route is a good example of poor value for money.
    I hope the County Council will learn from this and consider devolving the management to the Town Council when they next allocate funds for a project in or around Rye.

  2. It appears that the charges now made at checkouts for plastic bags will only apply to those who employ more than 250 workers. So Jempsons being an independent store is not obliged to comply with the new rules. However, it can do so if it wishes. It would be nice if Jempsons could opt in to join its big brothers in charging for its bags to its customers if only to show it supports reducing the use of plactic bags to help the environment. The system of course is totally flawed having so many exceptions to the rules and no doubt will leave shoppers totally baffled.

  3. Janet Warren’s observation with regard to the confusing white line along the new cycle path of Graham’s Way, Harbour Road was an extremely valid point. I can well understand how a motorist could mistake the white line as the kerb and not the edge of the cycle path. Perhaps it would have been better for the contractors to have painted two lines one white line on the road beside the kerb and a green or yellow line to indicate the edge of the cycle path. I doubt, however, there will be any change made now having spent so much on constructing the path with its recent extension.

  4. Its good that Graham’s Way is at last completed and the vegetation has been cut back, pity about the white lines confusing the edge of the path and kerb at night. That needs addressing. I am sure the path is much appreciated, my father, George 104 this month, likes using it to get to Rye Harbour on his mobility scooter ( he is also grateful to the residents of Rock Channel for lowering the kerb thus giving him passage to the fresh fish)
    A similar path as Graham’s Way, to Camber, would be unrealistic at present but if the path across the fields from Monkbretton Bridge by the Creative Centre was resurfaced this would be a big improvement


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