Fuel station out of place


Rye has the history of an island, once surrounded by sea-water. Even today, it looks out on marshland on three sides, with an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) as hinterland. This has been jealously guarded by the planners, who have always resisted encroachment beyond the town’s existing boundaries. This policy has encouraged new building on infill sites within the existing built up area, and discouraged what is known as ‘urban sprawl’.

Increasing demand for new housing has seen this policy breached with the recent development at Valley Park, but to some extent this has been absorbed satisfactorily into the landscape, and has succeeded in providing new homes.

Now, however, an application has been submitted to Rother District Council for a 4-pump filling station at the top of Udimore Road. The facility covers some 790 sq metres, apparently open 24/7 with 5-metre- high lighting poles and a 1.8 metre fence around the site.

Whilst many would accept that Rye needs another filling station following the closure of the one on Winchelsea Road a few years back, there must be cause for concern at this intrusion of an industrial complex in this environmentally sensitive location.

The site is outside the proposed development in the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. High on the Udimore ridge on the edge of the AONB, it is visible from 270around the site. Night-time illumination will be light pollution at an unacceptable level.

The planning process makes it possible for the community to have its say. If you feel strongly about this proposal, for or against, make your voice heard by visiting the Council’s website and entering the reference number: RR/2017/1231/P if required.

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  1. I agree with the above comments about this proposal. Totally out of keeping with the town. I have objected to it. There is currently also a proposal to build 24 houses at the top of Rye Hill on the site of Shellfield (one house!) in New England Lane – again totally out of keeping with the environment and I do hope this is rejected as well.

  2. I am totally against this proposal to build a fuel station in such an exposed position, spoiling the view into Rye. When Valley Park was proposed there was concern that it would intrude on the Rye landscape. In fact I think the whole area of housing is successfully integrated into the Rye landscape. That success depends on the way it is folded into the valley, with an uninterrupted view fron the access roundabout. A filling station of any sort on the top of the ridge will be seen for miles around and insert an urban commercial feel into what must surely remain a country town. I will submit a formal objection. I hope others will do the same.


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