Access to tramway path closed off?


I don’t know if anyone else has noticed the very solid gates, fence and intercom which have appeared at the top of the lane leading down to the old Tram Shed which used to service trams going from Camber to Rye.

Could it be that Rye Golf club is about to close off access to the tramway path (leading down to the car park by the Harbour master) to non-members of the Golf club, and if so, how would this work in practice?

Also, the very solid fence on either side of the gates would presumably prevent even pedestrians from going through, once the gates are closed. Generations of families have used this path to access the Harbour mouth and beach, and it would be a great shame, to say the least, if this was the case.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Image Credits: Neil Greer .

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  1. For years, the golf club has been irritated by dog walkers parking next the old tram station. I heard a rumour that gates were going to be installed across the tramway with golf club members having access with their vehicles by car number plate recognition.

    I was unaware that pedestrians would be denied access too but wouldn’t surprise me as the club has only allowed walkers as a permissive path across the course and presume hope to close it stopping an enjoyable walk for many.

    Live and let live eh? Rather ironic that the tram was extended to ferry holidaymakers and locals to the furthest point of the golf course not just the privileged golfers.

    • I have subsequently heard, and this is only rumour, that the gates may remain open till 8am, after which time they would be closed and only open to golf club members and deliveries etc.
      Apparently the gates would be open to anyone leaving.
      This would be a fairly neighbourly solution, although I can only imagine the confusion and ‘car ballet’ that would ensue if a mix of golfers and non-golfers were to arrive at once.
      And weekends? When perhaps a young family with dogs might want to take this way to Camber Sands, a time-honoured tradition.
      The (recently extended and wholly inadequate) space by the gates for turning round, and the narrow track from the main road to the gates, are not conducive to big cars jostling for position, turning and exiting.
      Just saying…!
      Some clarification from the Golf club, Harbourmaster or maybe even the Environment Agency might be helpful…?

  2. Yes I walked there this week and wondered exactly that ,have you contacted the golf club and asked what they plan to do ? Can they block access to a public footpath?

  3. Some of the paths in this area, for example the old tramway, and the last part of the path from beside the lake onto the old tramway, are permissive. Their use requires the consent of the golf club. Some other paths, including two that start by the club house and cross the golf course – one to the old tram station, and another to roughly where this photo is taken – are “proper” public footpaths. The latter have for some years now had people counters on them, the brown posts. I suspect that in time there will be an attempt to close these paths, perhaps as a trade-off with ESCC to keep open the permissive paths. It’s now a couple of years since a fence was installed on the cycle track to stop pedestrians crossing the Camber Road and using the tramway path. All part of the same thing – make it as difficult as possible for pedestrians to be anywhere near the golf course. Shame.

  4. I too am a local dogwalker accessing the beach via the permissive path. It has been an absolute favourite walk for myself and dogs. It will be with great sadness if we are denied access to the route.
    There is no adequate parking on the road – a small lay-by only.
    Strangely I was told about the access by one of Rye golf club members ten years ago.
    Perhaps local people could apply for access at certain times such as early mornings to enjoy the walk.

  5. I wonder if Rother Ramblers have a view on this? The section of the England Coastal Path from Winchelsea Beach to Camber can’t be completed by Natural England because the junction at the top of Harbour Road is not deemed safe enough for people to cross as part of a national route and I understand why, its not always easy to cross on foot. If the part of the route referred to in this article also becomes inaccessible that would really pose a threat to our section of this national route. Hopefully the Golf Club can offer some reassurance for walkers wanting to walk this section, but also highlights the need for renewed focus on completing our section of this national coastal path.

    • I understand that the golf club stopped any plan to allow the path across the course to be part of England Coastal Path


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