Potholes but not in France, why?


You asked readers to let you know which local road is most in need of urgent repair. To be honest you could pick just about any road in the Rye area as most of them are substandard!

Anyway, I’d put forward Market Street and Lion Street. East Street would have been up there as well but at least it benefited a little from the resurfacing of the High Street when this project included the first 30 metres or so of the road and its most notorious potholes.

Included are some photographs taken over the weekend. In the first of these, Market Street, you can see the results of a visit from ESCC’s contractors last week. A quick cut out and fill with asphalt job which will not last beyond November, if we are lucky. Somewhat mysteriously, no attention was paid to the just-as-bad potholes in the foreground, only 3 metres away, and the others that feature in the second photo, about 5 metres away. Lion Street got no attention at all!

A monster pothole which just keeps on getting bigger. Behind it a patched pothole is a temporary improvement.
Not good terrain for the many cyclists visiting Ryel

So as your article illustrates, our representatives continue to make excuses when we and they all know what the problem is – money! Patching won’t work. The worst affected roads need resurfacing so it’s a question of resource allocation at the highest level .Some hope!

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with thought for the day: why are there no potholes on the roads of France?

Image Credits: Nick Forman , Robert Dalton .

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  1. A friend recently remarked to me after a three week holiday in the Netherlands that it was like arriving back into a ‘third world country’ as they drove home compared to what they had experienced.

  2. Like most issues, your have to relate to Westminster, and then to County Highways who have now contracted Balfour B. to manage the issue of road repairs.
    It was decided now several years ago how repairs would be carried out, their depth, width, size, (width/length). That explains why a pothole is dealt with, but one next to it may not.

    Consider the above, which the public are invited to report, and in time is visited by an officer who places white markings around the area, later filled by the County contractor.

    Based on what I have seen the actual work is not sealed, so water is allowed to enter the pothole, hey ho, the pothole starts again.

    On the other side County are in some areas completely resurfacing some roads ( or should I now say “redressing” some roads, which is good, but the majority in our country areas leave a lot to be desired, costing us as ratepayers a lot of money.


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