The temporary traffic lights at the top of the Harbour Road, put in place because of sewer repair works, have caused many delays. Traffic has backed up on the Winchelsea Road and down the Harbour Road, too.
The problem has been increased by the fact that the lights are so close to the junction that sometimes the tail-back of traffic has meant that the cars going through the lights were stuck, thus blocking vehicles travelling in both directions. The lights had a purpose whilst work was actually being carried out by the water company but people have become increasingly frustrated as the lights have remained there long after the work has finished.
There was hope when a week ago trucks arrived and took away some of the Arris fencing. However, they left the digger, so the lights had to remain in place.

Again, hopes were raised when the digger was taken away but dashed because some of the fencing remained. A knock-on effect has been the impact on RNLI volunteers trying to respond to pagers for shouts and, of course, on ambulance crews heading for the village.
Perhaps there were good reasons for the lights remaining in place so long but no information has been forthcoming throughout the process. Motorists have certainly seen red – and the lights were still there on Tuesday August 16.
Image Credits: Kt bruce , kt bruce .