Priorities for Rye: Labour

Earlier in June Rye News asked the candidates from the main five parties to tell us their priorities for Rye. Here’s what Helena Dollimore, the Labour candidate in Hastings and Rye, sent us.

I was born and brought up locally and love living here. Like you, I want the best for us. I’ve spent my career standing up for children at Save the Children and then leading a pandemic response with business when Covid hit. Now I want to stand up for people at home.

What drives me is public service. When the Ridge Fire Station was threatened, I organised the campaign to save it. When the taps ran dry, I put pressure on Southern Water and exposed their failure to properly compensate us. When Rye Pool closed because the Conservatives spent a summer electing Liz Truss, Labour, working with the community, got it back open.

I can do so much more for us if you elect me as our MP.

My research shows that we wait longer here for an ambulance than most. We’ll get the NHS back on its feet by scrapping the non-dom tax break and going after tax dodgers to cut waiting lists and make sure everyone can see a doctor or dentist.

So many are bearing the brunt of Conservative chaos. Labour has a plan for growth to bring good green jobs here by switching on Great British Energy. It will cut bills and emissions by powering the nation with green energy and insulting homes.

We have so many great small businesses. Labour will back them by replacing business rates to give the high street a level playing field with the online giants and tackle late payments.

With more police on the beat we’ll make our streets safe again and combat shoplifting, and I’ll campaign for a stronger police presence at Rye Police Station.

Homeownership is out of reach for too many. Labour will get Britain building again, creating jobs and building more affordable homes.

Too many young people don’t get the opportunities they deserve. So Labour has a plan to recruit more teachers, provide breakfast clubs and cut the cost of childcare to give every child the best start.

Southern Water have got to get their act together! Labour will force them to. We’ll ban bonuses for water bosses while they fail. We’ll work to end the sewage dumping scandal which causes so much damage to our health, our environment and our businesses. As your MP, I’ll campaign for proper compensation when Southern Water let us down.

Change is possible. Vote Labour on 4th July.

Image Credits: Chris Lawson .

Previous articlePriorities for Rye: Reform
Next articleElection update: June 21


  1. I sent an email to this candidate in March this Year following her item in Rye News, I had no reply, only to get election literature recently!
    Labour keeps on about existing hospital waiting lists, BUT, was just the same when THEY were last in Government. I know I was given a 10 months waiting, and was revised longer. We have all heard these manifestos time and time again from all parties,

    I am not a voter in this candidates constituency due to boundary changes.


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