Rewilding the Salts or not


Further to the articles published recently in Rye News, on the proposed wild flower meadow, the Rye Conservation Society has expressed their objection to the project to Rother District Council. RCS chairman, David Bookless explains their opinions:

Whilst the initial concept may be superficially attractive we have grave concerns as to the practicality and suitability of the proposal for the following reasons:

1. An area of unmown grass meadow in the middle of a flat grass playing field will look inappropriate.

2. Visitors will wonder why that “bit hasn’t been cut”.

3. Does the Rye Amenity CIC have the expertise and the day-to-day and long-term personnel with commitment to maintain such a project?

4. Neither the Town Council nor interested bodies such as the Bowls Club, have been consulted about this project which will be a prominent feature in a highly visible part of the setting of the historic core of Rye.

5. Details of the proposed leasehold arrangements have not been made public together with any conditions relating to future use of the property and its upkeep.

6. How will there be control of weeds and seeds contaminating adjacent green open    spaces?

7. How will access to the area by locals and visitors be controlled/affected?

There is also concern that this disposal, albeit on a lease, to a third party sets a precedent for future sale and carving up of the Salts into separately owned plots for all sorts of activities. Any change to the Salts is a matter for the whole community which in this instance has not been adequately consulted. A very short time scale has been given to reply to the notice from RDC.

Image Credits: Kenneth Bird .

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  1. A wild garden is difficult to grow and maintain.
    Much time and expertise is required.
    Rye has a history of unmanaged spaces.
    That is what It will Be.


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