Rye News – a few changes


We’re making a few changes to Rye News from this week. It’s more about the layout – though there is a new section all about “Nature & Environment” – and a bit of a tidy up too. There were too many drop down menus and sub sections which cluttered things up, especially if you read the paper on your phone or tablet as a lot of our readers do.

What doesn’t change – and won’t – is how Rye News is focussed on the main news and events of the week and telling the stories of the people who live, work, and visit here.

So that new “Nature & Environment” section. In it we’ll celebrate the amazing landscape around Rye and the birds and animals that make living here so special. We’ll follow the progress of the town’s groups coming up with solutions to climate change and showcase the work of organisations like Strandliners and The Three Rivers Project. To kick off this section David Bentley has written a beautiful article about swifts, Xavier Marrs introduces us to moth trapping, and we’ve pictures of what’s going on at the Strand.

At the top of the paper you’ll still find News along with Sport. Community has been renamed People. Arts & Culture, along with the Opinions page, are unchanged. We’ll continue to follow local businesses and the impressive Rye Chamber of Commerce in News or People.

It’ll all make sense, honest.

And coming soon, Rye News is working with our brilliant local station Cinque Ports Radio to broadcast short news bulletins, and plans are coming together for a pub event where you can tell us the stories you want us to cover – and hopefully write about in Rye News.

There’s loads more too. Details to follow.

As ever, get in touch by email info@ryenews.org.uk.

Image Credits: Neil Howard CC .

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