Rye toilets, a possible solution


Many of our readers have no doubt visited Burford in the Cotswolds. It has many similarities to Rye: plenty of history, some very interesting buildings, hilly streets and a variety of shops and visitor attractions. Burford also has plenty of parking but, unlike Rye, one of the main carparks is free.

But one striking difference is the town’s approach to their public toilets. Within the car park are public conveniences – an old-fashioned block of 3 cubicles, two for male / female and a third which is wheelchair friendly. To have a pee will cost you 20p and the loos are open between 7.30am – 7.30pm Monday to Sunday.

Pay for the convenience, why not?

There are no digital machines to confuse you, you don’t need a credit card, just old- fashioned cash. And, if you haven’t got a 20p piece the machine accepts 5p,10p,20p and 50p pieces as well as pound coins just don’t expect any change if you haven’t got the right money.

I happily paid my 20p and used the facilities. They were clean, which made a pleasant change, not covered in graffiti or vandalised and in my opinion well worth the 20p investment on my part. The loos are jointly maintained by West Oxfordshire District Council in partnership with Danfo UK and were all functioning as they should.

Clear and concise

I know this is an old- fashioned approach to public conveniences: no credit card facilities, no digital technology, no bar code and no attendant but despite all these negatives the system works! The money taken I assume covers all the outgoings, a good clean service is provided to an appreciative audience 7 days a week and everyone is happy. It begs the question, why can’t we replicate this in Rye –  as the saying goes, “It’s not rocket science”. Just a suggestion.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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