Sign of the times?


Many road signs in and around Rye are obscured by the accumulated grime of years gone by. (The example in the photograph is by no means the worst). It would be so easy to remedy this in a short period if the people living near these eyesores gave just a little bit of their time to washing them down. I personally have invested in a telescopic device with a detachable cloth-head but would advise that anyone embarking on this exercise should not use a ladder.

If we wait for action by the Highways department, Rother Council or even Rye Town Council, hell will have frozen over by the time anything is done, other than forming another committee to discuss the matter.

Please gird up your loins, take a step into the unknown and clean up a road sign near to where you live. It is an uplifting experience to be part of a community that cares, I assure you! Let Rye show the way for a national campaign as this malaise is endemic through our land.

Thanking you in anticipation.

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