Test, track and trace?


Over four months ago – or 19 weeks, or 133 days, if you want to be more precise – I wrote an article about the problems my daughter (a teacher) had with getting tested after getting Covid symptoms.

The government’s system sent her from Watford, just north of London, to Chipping Norton, nearly in Gloucestershire, to get a test and, while her result was fairly quick, her flatmate’s took over a week.

And I’ll be brief as I am ill and could do nothing much for Rye News this week and much of last week. But it is not coronavirus. I have been to my doctor, my temperature has been taken, and I have no obvious symptoms.

But what about those who have? My faith in our government only improved a bit when a health minister referred on BBC TV on Thursday to problems we will face in the “weeks and months ahead” with Covid. He was at least, briefly, frank.

I strongly suspect my Rye barber, in a brief doorstep chat on my way to Boots, was right when he said he thought we would be back in full lockdown by the end of the month.

I am glad I did not need to seek a Covid test, though I am waiting for the results of various other tests for something a lot more than simple food poisoning – and there I will stop as my attention span and stomach does not, and cannot, last more than six paragraphs!

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. Sorry to hear you are unwell. I have been in hospital for three weeks (emergency operation) and subsequently for another few days. On the plus side I have had three Covid tests all negative and, possibly more exciting – the dementia test. The dementia specialist turned up the day after I was out of ICU and asked if he could test me. I thought it was a joke and said I’d be grateful because I’d forgotten my name. The look of horror on his face brought me up short. Don’t make jokes with dementia testers! Anyway, pulling myself together I took the test and passed with 100%. Just a bit miffed I don’t get a certificate, after all it was a test and I did pass.

    My daughter got home tests easily and results quick too. I must say it’s not a nice process and I do wonder whether those home testing really do it properly, hope so. It is certainly difficult, but as the good book says, “Seek and ye shall find.”

  2. I have had a dementia test too. Can’t remember what the result was, or where I took it. But I still managed to find my way home so all must be well.


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