The changing face of Military Road


Now you see it, now you don’t

A resident of Rye, who lives quite deep into the town, sought and gained permission to build a garage below and studio above next to the Globe.

Military Road 2024

Personally, I think it looks good and tidies up that area nicely.

Military Road as seen early in twentieth century

Just out of interest I am including old photographs of what was on that site at the beginning of the last century. An enormous building which one can hardly believe would fit on the site, which is now pretty much trees and scrub.

The corner of Military Road in 2024

Military Road from a photo taken over a hundred years ago

Image Credits: Caroline Everett .

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  1. Many thanks for this. Might you know if there are any old photographs of Rye,s East Guldeford Brewery, Chapman Brothers, believed opposite Camber turn off, it was there middle nineteenth century till about 1908


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