The good old days


Your recent article concerning the proposed reduction of parking arrangements at Camber Sands, pending the proposed new development of the hotel, made me think.

I wonder if anyone knows now that during the 1930s at peak holiday times cars delivering picnicking families in their dozens and dozens actually parked at low tide on the very beach itself (as the contemporary photos show).

In terms of ecology, this must have been dreadful.

It beggars belief that once people found it quite acceptable to bring their polluting vehicles straight onto the beach itself.

Goodness knows what they left behind after their stay in those “good old days”!

Image Credits: photos supplied by Terence Pomroy .

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  1. My Dad has often told the story of a friend who decided to leave his car on the beach overnight. No, it didn’t float off with the tide—but after a windy night, it was found with all the paint sandblasted off.

  2. My parents used to camp on Camber Sands in the 1920’s. There used to be disused trams on the beach rented out to holidaymakers then. Also there was no mains water so they used to buy fresh water from a horse drawn cart every day

  3. These photos are fabulous. I still think Camber is one of the best beaches around. If Camber itself would smarten itself up it could be a great destination. An unloved decaying Pontins does no one any favours. Whereas, The Gallivant brought people with money to spend to the area, and offered a good boutique hotel experience not dissimilar to The Hamptons. Camber needs more of that quality and you could end up with a very successful little area that supports the locals, just as The George is so important to Rye.


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