They’re back!


I was contacted by one of our readers who was out and about in Rye last Saturday morning because getting close to the shops was now relatively easy compared to the days of earlier this year when “park wherever you like” seemed to be the norm.

Empty spaces outside Heringtons solicitors but yellow lines seem to be a magnet.

On Saturday there was plenty of parking as the new ‘parking regime’ is working well but, despite this, the two cars in the main photograph above were both parked on yellow lines – and if they had driven just 50 yards along the High Street they could have parked legally in the empty spaces there, as shown in the photograph right.

Lazy, couldn’t care less, or didn’t realise ? Whatever the reason or excuse, let’s hope it doesn’t catch on.

[Editor’s note: And what makes it worse is that the yellow lines are at that particular spot because it is opposite the junction with Market Road where vehicles have to turn right to leave the one way system – or they have to go all the way along The Mint to Strand Quay to exit – and I have witnessed many instances where cars have had to mount the pavement to turn into Market Road because of parking outside The Edinburgh Woollen Mill]

Image Credits: Rye News library .

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  1. The Law on parking in Rye is an Ass, Rother district council and East Sussex County Council need their heads banging together. Rother are one of the few Councils who charge blue badge holders to park in their carparks, but you can park on double yellow lines for 3 hours with a blue badge, or better still East Sussex will let blue badge holders park in their bays 24/7 without purchasing a ticket, so i foresee once the visitors are back after Covid, the usual mayhem and chaos returning to our streets,thanks too Councils not working together to eradicate this madness

  2. Non blue badge holders should know better but blue badge holders have rules to follow as well.

    According to the government web site for blue badge holders responsibilities … Blue badge holders should not to park where it would endanger, inconvenience or obstruct pedestrians or other road users.

    Examples of dangerous or obstructive parking include the following, although there are others:

    school entrances, bus stops, on a bend, or near the brow of a hill or hump bridge
    parking opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space

    where it would make the road narrow,
    such as by a traffic island or roadworks

    where it would hold up traffic, such as in narrow stretches of road or blocking vehicle entrances

    where emergency vehicles stop or go in and out, such as hospital entrances

    where the kerb has been lowered or the road raised to help wheelchair users

    on a pavement, unless signs permit it


    All please take note!


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