After more than a full season “playing away”, the two Rye and District u3a boules groups have their piste back on the Strand.
A very big thank you to the Environment Agency for replacing the old piste (pitch) with a beautifully constructed surface, both for the regular teams and occasional other boules, or pétanque players, to use. And a special “thank you” to Andy and his team, who actually constructed the piste.

The Strand Quay works are coming to an end and the quay is starting to come back into its own, as a special part of the Rye scene.
The u3a teams hope to play a game against a team from the Environment Agency, and we shall report on that when it happens.

Image Credits: Ian Scott .
Congratulations to all those who have worked on the Strand project. It is great to see it open again and the Boule court so nicely reinstated. Are there going to be any more seats provided? I think this will be a popular area to sit and enjoy. Also, is there any chance of some trees being planted? That would make an excellent addition to this area.
A row of trees would be aesthetically pleasing and a shield from the traffic. It should be an area of tranquility for those that want to sit and have some peace. Certainly some of the older generation cannot make it up to places like the Gun Garden. However, it’s also essential the public conveniences opposite are also open.
Great new surface for playing petanque!
However, part of the game involves shooting others boules away – as opposed to pointing (rolling a boule to the jack).
The lovely oak sleeper surround is much too low, which will allow stray boules to exit the piste.
There are two possibilities. Either some passer by gets hit, or the boules rolls into the harbour never to be seen again.
I did mention this to the Environment Agency contractors during construction, but was ignored.
Afraid I can’t risk playing on this terrain as one lost boules scraps the whole set.
Contractors could have checked first how to construct a piste before proceeding.