Call for drivers to slow for horses


Seren Crafer is a young, sensible horse rider who is mindful of how she uses the road but lately she has been on the receiving end of some careless driving and, what is worse, abuse and loud music blaring from cars as they pass her. All the road-users are older than she is and they should set an example, not give her a hard time.

After a rather fraught ride this week Seren wrote on Facebook:

“Please be mindful when driving along the B2082 (Iden Road). I am a 15 year-old girl who rides my horses along this road daily, and in all honesty I’ve had enough of drivers speeding past me and not even bothering to slow down. A horse is unpredictable and could jump out at a car at any moment: if you don’t want us on your bonnet, slow down!

Take care when passing horses please

“The Highway Code states that: ‘When you see a horse on a road, you should slow down to a maximum of 10mph. Be patient, do not sound your horn or rev your engine. When safe to do so, pass wide and slow, allowing at least 2 metres of space.’

“Remember that I am someone’s daughter and please slow down around horses. Thank you.

“An extra thirty seconds added to your drive can save someone’s life.”

Yvette, Seren’s mother adds: “My daughter has been riding on the roads on her own or in company for a few years now. She is very careful and always wears her hi-vis to alert drivers of her presence on the road.

Take care when passing horses please

“I’m very proud that Seren has brought this matter to people’s attention as I feel that sometimes as drivers we only see the horse and forget that the person riding is somebody’s daughter, son, mum, dad etc. Horses are often scared of things they think are going to jump out at them in the hedgerow: something as silly as a crisp packet can cause a horse to spook / jump sideways and if drivers are not passing slowly with time to react they could end up with a horse and rider wrapped around their vehicle.”

Image Credits: Crafer archives , Crafer archives .

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