A date to forget?


A year ago this week, April 7, was the day I received my copy of the letter from our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and it was the letter we all received, effectively telling us that Britain was at war but, unlike previous world wars, our generation was faced with an invisible enemy, Covid-19.

Who would have imagined that over a year later we would be still reeling from the effects of the pandemic. Lockdown measures are just beginning to ease, but the world is still in crisis, so in the UK we are digesting a diet of caution, mixed with optimism and hope.

Page 2 of last year’s letter from Boris Johnson.

Sometimes an important anniversary slips by unnoticed, and I’m sure many of us have forgotten someone’s special day or anniversary at some point in our lives, but this is one anniversary that many of us will choose to forget when our lives changed for good but, for far too many, their lives unfortunately ended.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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