Allotment AGM well attended


Saturday, October 22 at 2pm was the South Undercliff Allotment Group annual general meeting (AGM), with over 30 people and a few dogs. These meetings are always warming, social and spirited events. Allotment holders are rather restrained in nature. We wander down to our plots with specific, solo, activities in mind: to sow, to weed, to harvest, to tidy. But rarely to meet and chat with others. Perhaps a few friendly words to neighbours about the state of the runner beans, or the heat, or the infestation of unwanted pests. Perhaps even a warming cup of mint tea shared between a couple of us. But rarely anything more.

So, the AGM is looked forward to with great enjoyment. We can finally meet together, under the apple trees. People arrived with extra chairs, thermoses of water for coffee and tea, lovely home-made cake and, most importantly, a priority on benignant towards each other and this treasured haven we call South Undercliff.

We have had a few access issues, ownership issues and management issues to contend with over the last couple of years. These matters were discussed with enormous patience, a care for what is best for the community, and a few woofs of contention (from the dogs).

Vagn Hansen elected as new Chairman

News included successful grant applications for three water tanks on site, with kind contributions from three different community funds. The allotment committee also welcomed some key changes in its makeup. We shared our huge appreciation to Sally Savory for managing various issues over the course of the last year. We welcomed a new chairman, Vagn Hansen. Three other new members of the committee will be Sarah Learoyd-Smith, Sue White, and Graham Hurley. They join existing members Debbie Harper (treasurer), Dan Johnson and Heidi Foster.

Just as gardeners focus on the future and how to prepare for the next season, our own allotment holders brainstormed all sorts of ideas on how to make 2023 even better. How do we make access to gardening easier for the less physically able? How do we ensure all plots are allocated, shared or prepared for the next leaseholder in as smooth a transition as possible? What can we do as a community to ensure this health-giving activity and haven for wildlife will remain? It will be a busy year for the committee.

Image Credits: Abigail Cooper-Hansen .

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