And relax…


Beach yoga is on the agenda for this week’s Ryecast as I join Joanna Allen from “The Humble Warrior” for one of her classes on Camber Sands. She’s back in Rye after some huge life changes which have seen her leave behind a highly stressed job in fashion and replace it with teaching meditation and mindfulness. She says: “From what I was doing then to what I’m doing now, I’m totally unrecognisable. It’s so different but so much better.”

Joanna Allen

After the class we grab a coffee at Camber Landing as Jo tells me about how the nature around Rye inspires her, and how she enjoys helping others through her sessions. As well as yoga on the beach, there’s a yurt in Appledore where she hosts retreats including full moon ceremonies. She tells me she doesn’t miss her old lifestyle. “I wasn’t doing anything healthy. It was parties, alcohol, and shopping. I’d just come back from a gruelling trip and discovered a new yoga class setting up at the end of my road. I knew things needed to change, so I gave it a go. And here I am now!”

You can hear more about Jo’s journey, and how I got on with my first yoga class, on this week’s Ryecast podcast – just search for Ryecast wherever you get your podcasts or visit

Find out more about Jo Allen here


Image Credits: Joanna Allen .

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