Another Elysian open day


In response to popular demand, the Elysian centre is holding another open day on Sunday September 18, from 2 to 6pm. This will be an ideal opportunity to meet and talk with practitioners, therapists and teachers, and there will be five short talks, some with demonstrations.

In addition, the ‘Moment in Time’ art exhibition by five local artists has extended its run to include the open day. The Elysian centre is in Cinque Ports Street behind Jempsons, with the entrance to the right of Rye DIY’s store.

The open day programme on Sunday is as follows:

2:00pm: Julia Bennett – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

If you have heard the word “mindfulness” and are interested in finding out more about it, then why not take the opportunity to discover what it is and experience a brief demonstration? There will be time to ask questions and an invitation to participate in a mindful way.
Julia has a background in film and theatre and she is an accredited MBSR teacher, as well as being a Humanistic Counsellor with private practices in Tenterden, Ashford and Hastings. Julia sees the benefits of MBSR in her work with clients as well as practising it herself and noticing how it has enriched her life.

3:00pm: Katie Day

Katie Day is a style consultant, author of ‘ The High-heeled Leader’ and a former consultant on ‘How to Look Good Naked’. Katie will be giving a short talk on the strength of the first impression and how to embrace your authentic feminine and masculine power every day, shine brightly and step into your magnificence. Colour will never look the same again!

3:30pm: Stephen Weaver: Contemplative Photography

Phototherapy has been defined as ‘the use of photography or photographic materials, under the guidance of a trained therapist, to reduce or relieve painful psychological symptoms and to facilitate psychological growth and therapeutic change.’ Thanks to digital photography and social networking sites, photography is more accessible than ever, but have you ever considered it as a way of promoting healing and personal growth? Psychotherapist Weaver will gives an introduction to how photography connects the way we look at the outside world with how we make sense of our inner lives.

4:00pm: Sarah Stephenson

Sarah will be talking about the way in which sound can be used in our everyday lives to aid relaxation, relieve stress, increase our energy levels and stimulate our creativity.
“Sound goes right to the heart of the matter allowing us to unwind and de-stress, leading into a place of deep relaxation and peace.”

Sarah has 20 years experience working with actors, singers, dancers and musicians at some of the leading universities and colleges in the UK and is a master teacher of the Estill Voice Training System who has worked throughout Europe. As a qualified Sound Healing Practitioner and workshop tutor for the College of Sound Healing, Sarah invites you to join her in a short vocal toning session to experience the power of sound.

4:30pm: Sally Bayly

Sally has practised yoga for almost 30 years and believes that yoga is for everyone, whatever their age, level of fitness or flexibility. Men, women, beginners or those who are more experienced, can all benefit from the focus, posture, flexibility, strength, calm and relaxation that yoga will bring, as Sally will demonstrate on Sunday.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Elysian Centre, 18 Cinque Ports Street, Rye TN31 7AD so do come and join us. For more information visit our website, ring us on 01797 224855 or e-mail (Source: Elysian Centre)

Photo: Tony McLaughlin

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