Beach clean news – get involved


Andy Dinsdale, director of Strandliners CIC reports that the government earlier this year, May 31, rolled out a new tranche of protected areas in Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) which include Beachy Head East (an inshore site that covers an area of 195 sq km and is located along the coast in the eastern channel region), now adjoining Beachy Head West which stretches West from Beachy Head to Brighton.

But the really impressive work nationally, Andy says, is the collection of more than 500,000 records which volunteers identified from marine wild life and habitats. “Only when armed by this knowledge could the government make important decisions about which areas to legislate for protection and as we humans are now polluting the marine world, we must continue to identify and record what rubbish is out there.” For government to make changes detailed data is needed of what is killing our planet.

Strandliners CIC will have a stall at following events:

July 27  –  Pett flower show
September 1 –  Rye Festival of the Sea
September 7/8  –  Bexhill Festival on Sea
September 29  –  Sustainability on Sea ( Hastings Stade)

Clean ups:

September 20, Winchelsea Beach 4pm, meet at the end of Dogs Hill Road,
September 21 Dungeness, Lydd Ranges, (this is a provisional date as it needs MOD clearance)
September 22, Pett level 10am, meet at the sea wall between Smugglers Pub and Pett level, Independent Rescue Boat, Pett level road.

For more information email

Image Credits: Andrew Dinsdale .

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