Bonfire pageant 2023


The programme for Rye bonfire pageant 2023 has just been finalised and please note the times for Rye Bonfire have changed this year. We are running one hour earlier than previous years, and note Rye Railway Station will again be closed.

For times and further details follow the link to the programme which will be kept up-to-date.

We would like to make clear that the Rye & District Bonfire Society are not responsible for street cleaning public litter. Rother District Council are threatening us by not fulfilling their statutory requirement to clean the streets, and are giving the same ultimatum to Robertsbridge, Battle and Northiam’s bonfire societies. If planned street cleaning does not take place, we will be cleaning the Remembrance parade route on Sunday morning as a gesture of goodwill.

The whole of Rye Bonfire are no strangers to hard work, and fundraise tirelessly each year to reach the £20,000 needed to stage the Rye bonfire pageant.

We have the hard-working team of Barbara Astley-Morton, Caren Draper, Leigh Booth and Sally Walker to thank for their fundraising efforts with auctions, boot fairs, quiz nights, etc. to make this spectacular event; not forgetting the assistance of members of neighbouring societies, particularly Robertsbridge, Hastings and Northiam.

We hope that you will enjoy your visit to this year’s event; the Rye Bonfire Society has raised and distributed many thousands of pounds of charity funding for good causes in and around Rye.

Please do not purchase ‘glow bands’ or any other such merchandise from street traders, they are operating illegally, and we do not get any benefit from them.

However please feel free to make a donation to one of our official Rye Bonfire collectors on the night!

You are welcome to join us as new members to raise funds, dress up and collect, or we are particularly looking for members to help in the vitally important marshal role – we need you – especially the youth of Rye. For further information please email

Donations to: The Treasurer, Rye Bonfire Society, c/o Adams of Rye Ltd, 8 High Street, Rye, East Sussex can be made in person or via bank transfer –

The New Rye & District Bonfire Society, Sort Code: 20-02-62, Account Number: 70146641

Rye & District Bonfire Society would like to stress that this is very much a family-oriented evening. Discharging of any form of fireworks and flares will not be tolerated before, during, or after the procession. The police will take action against members of the public, or visiting societies, who discharge any form of pyrotechnic in a public place.

Please do not pick up discarded torches, that is the job for the fire carts at the rear of the procession.

Marshals protect the whole route. If they advise you to move away, please follow their instructions, they are concerned about your safety.

At the fire site, please remain outside of the barriers, as it is dangerous inside. We cannot be held responsible for any loss or injury sustained by people crossing safety barriers.

This is a traditional custom, not a carnival or ordinary fireworks display. It can be loud and frightening, there will be fire and very loud bangs. Keep children with you and do not push them to the front. If you are nervous, worried, or have a medical condition, we respectfully suggest you keep away.

Please do not bring any pets!

Image Credits: Rye Bonfire Society .

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  1. Thank you for pointing out the amount of hard work and funds involved during local Bonfire events; not to mention the year-to-year planning. Up until recently I was a member of a Hastings drumming group for 13 years and loved drumming at the various sites. However, some spectators made for tricky processing along in the parades, as pointed out above. Those parents who insist on pushing their children to the front risk injuring them as it’s impossible to see over drums, through costumes etc, as well as trying to manoeuvre spent torches and all in the dark! Groups such as ours have to pay a yearly insurance subscription individually, in case of such injuries etc. When dire weather situations prevented the firework display, disgruntled spectators would ask me why? Long may Bonfire Nights continue and bring joy to those who appreciate them.


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