Business Spotlight: Purdie Gallery


Despite the difficulties experienced by the retail trade over the past few years, Rye continues to attract an exciting mix of independent shops which is so important in maintaining the character of the town.

We may stop to admire a creative seasonal window display, enjoy the fragrance as we pass a shop, or be tempted by some sweet treat,  but how much do we know about the person behind the scene who is making it all happen.  Rye News wants to find out more about those who help to make the town what it is.

David Purdie
David Purdie

Our first feature is on one of Rye’s well established galleries – The Purdie Gallery at 106 High Street. David Purdie sells his own photographic landscape work as limited editions, posters and cards, both in the gallery and via his online shop. With over 20 years experience shooting in advertising and documentaries, David originally trained as a painter at the Royal College of Art but the world of photography called him instead.  His photography career began at a time of great change in the digital art world. With the disappearance of most forms of paid photography and a yearning to pursue an art career, he decided to set up on his own in 2007 and the Purdie Gallery was formed. A true creative, he is also an amateur musician and all the music played in the gallery – ambient electronic mostly – is his.  Of his work, he says “my pictures are about revealing beauty in the unexpected, it comes through looking at the world around us, using our eyes to see something unexpected, something amazing”.

He describes Rye as “pretty much the best town in the UK to set up my business.  Too small for chains and high rents.  Arty and busy”.  On a negative side, he feels more needs be done about parking as the 1 hour spaces being blocked all day is putting off casual visitors.  Open every day from 10:30am to 5pm (weekends 11am to 5pm) he employs four local part-time staff.

Cards - David Purdie
Cards – greetingsearthlings

But there is a lot going on in addition to running the gallery seven days a week.  John Lewis now sellS his pictures. They are manufactured under license and not the same as his hand made prints in the gallery.  A description of his work on the John Lewis website says “Purdie’s imagery generally features seemingly ordinary outdoors scenes but he captures them in an unexpected light and angle, which produces stunning pictures”.

He and his wife Andrea also run a separate card business which began life as an offshoot of the cards they produce for gallery. David takes the pictures and Andrea deals with the marketing.

You might like to book on one of David’s regular photography workshops which are offered at both introductory and intermediate levels.  He has recently introduced new night time workshops.  The next intermediate workshop date is Friday November 18. See the website for details.

Coming soon are 25 new greetings cards, to be launched later this month. Take a trip to the Purdie Gallery or browse David’s stunning work on his online gallery. Twitter: @purdiephotos

We are planning a regular Spotlight in Business feature which will focus on both new and established shops and services.  If you’d like to be included, please download an interview form or email us at

Photos: David Purdie

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