Celebrating centuries of experience


Rye Harbour lifeboat station has 52 personnel from lifeboat operations manager (LOM) through boat and shore crew to fundraisers who between them have dedicated so far 423 years’ worth of service.

This is an amazing fact and, although at the moment we are not collectively allowed to gather together, we are strong as a team, just waiting to carry out our tasks.

Today in the boathouse, for instance, you would have found the LOM beavering away at the computer keeping up-to-date with paperwork and keeping his team safe.

And, at a different time, to ensure the necessary social distancing, the tractor mechanic making sure that everything is in pristine condition, ready for a shout. Later the boat mechanics were checking every detail of the Atlantic 85 to the highest of standards.

No matter what the situation RNLI at Rye Harbour team stands ready to work together to save lives at sea.

Image Credits: kt Bruce .

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