Charity begins at home


The first of Rye’s charity shops re-opened this week after lockdown, and having a sort out during lockdown has given many of us something to keep ourselves occupied. Garages, sheds, attics, cupboards and drawers have all been tidied up, and isn’t it amazing what you come across when you have a good rummage?

Things which you thought had been lost forever suddenly materialise, things like the plug-in battery charger for your rechargeable batteries, the bicycle pump which you thought you would never use again, the Tupperware styled plastic boxes which fit inside each other like a Russian doll, and the photo album of the family wedding you thought had disappeared.

And a lot of what we carefully pack away and keep is likely never to see the light of day again but as “it might come in useful one day” we are reluctant to part with it so we keep it. And when we move house we take it with us and store it again until eventually something in us snaps, and we decide to free ourselves of ‘clutter’ and get it ready to take to the tip, or better still, the local charity shop.

As we know, many charities are suffering substantial losses due to the closure of their shops and the inability of donors to give clothes, furniture and whatever, and this of course has serious knock on effects for all the amazing work they do, by helping so many people in so many different ways, at home and abroad.

Funds are desperately needed by so many charities but thankfully, as of Monday, August 17 Sue Ryder on Rye High Street is open once more, selling their stock which is being replaced by much needed donations and, other than the social distancing measures, it is business as usual.

So, if you need more space at home, help to fill up the space at Sue Ryder and drop your unwanted saleable items into them at 16 High Street, Rye, TN31 7JF or contact them direct on 01797 222576 or email if you need information or want to arrange a free furniture collection.

Sue Ryder have been in Rye for over 25 years, so let’s make sure they stay for another 25 by showing them our support.

Image Credits: Nick Forman .

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  1. Great to see our Charity Shops reopening. Many charities are seeing an increased demand for their services at the same time as a substantial drop in their income. If you can support your local charity, in anyway, even if its time, we all should


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