The Community Garden wakes up


The Community Garden will be springing back into life once more in March. The dates for the regular work sessions in March are Tuesdays 6 and 20 and Saturdays 10 and 24. In April, the sessions are Tuesdays 3 and 17 and Saturdays 14 and 28.
The priority in March will be the preparation of a new herbaceous border, between the willows and the cultivated area, ready for an event on April 14 when, weather permitting, we hope to plant out the 70-odd perennial plants donated last autumn by the gardeners at Fairlight Hall.
So, if anyone wants to burn off that Christmas/New Year excess, you know where to come!
As a reminder, the work schedules in any month are:
1st and 3rd Tuesdays, between 2-4pm
2nd and 4th Saturdays, between 11am – 1pm
See you all there.

Photo: Rye News library

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