Creating hope for tomorrow


Hands of Hope is a community-based charity operating throughout Rother, Hastings and West Kent. Our goal is to reconnect people with where their food comes from, teach them how to grow and cook healthy, nutritious food and use this process to ultimately tackle some of the biggest health and social issues facing us in the 21st century including childhood obesity, rural isolation, loneliness, dementia and mental health. Our aim is to improve health and well-being as well as community cohesion, whilst protecting our environmental heritage.

We have recently acquired a derelict walled kitchen garden and 18 adjoining acres in Hawkhurst, West Kent, which will be restored, regenerated and developed as an innovative community hub facilitating the production of fruit and vegetables within the restored two acre walled kitchen garden. It also includes a Victorian glass house, a cooking school and a training room. As well as a valuable education resource centre, the site will support community projects and workshops, employment engagement activities, volunteering and community events.

It will be:
• A place to grow
• A place to learn eg schools projects, growing programmes, cookery club, workshops/events, sustainable gardening, healthy eating
• A place for nature eg wild areas, biodiversity, bees, pond, wildflower meadow
• A place for children – nature play, forest school
• A place for specialist groups focusing on loneliness, mental health and dementia
• A place to access fresh in season organic produce
• A place to feel good/belong e.g. welcoming, inclusive, community cohesion, seating/places to gather, events, classes
• A place to connect with each other and with nature
• A place that is sustainable

Programmes will be developed in collaboration with established organisations with a track record of expert provision in tackling childhood obesity, loneliness, dementia and mental health and we are now reaching out to the communities of Rother, Hastings and West Kent to get your input with regards to the types of facilities and services you would like to see at the site as well as your opinion with regards to the current need.

All you need to do is click on the link and give us five minutes of your time:

We are also interested in establishing links with community and voluntary groups, health and social care organisations, schools, parents, corporations and local businesses who would be interested in undertaking a longer survey.
Contact Mandy Doran 07968 333097, or email

To create the future we all want for tomorrow, we need your help today.

Image Credits: Hands of Hope .

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